SPRINT files Read-Me 1) Both channels contain a 300-ms, 1000-Hz tone burst, followed sequentially by a 1-s silent interval and a 30-s, 1000-Hz calibration tone that reflects the peaks of the speech materials as monitored on a calibrated VU meter (Green, Williams, & Kryter, 1959; Lilly, 1967). The 300-ms tone burst can be used to check the ballistic characteristics of a VU meter. The needle on a calibrated VU meter will swing from -20 vu to 0 vu with minimal overshoot when a 300-ms tone burst is placed across the meter. It should be noted that many meters uded on audiometers are not "true" VU meters and/or are not calibrated properly (ANSI, 1954). The 1000-Hz calibration tone may not reflect accurately the peaks of the speech materials on non-VU meters and on non-calibrated VU meters. Note that the speech materials may not necessarily peak at 0 VU, but are consistent with original protocols. 2) SPRINT Lists 1-2. The SPeech Recognition In Noise Test (SPRINT) is the Northwestern University Auditory Test No 6 materials spoken by the Auditec male speaker mixed in a background of multi-talker babble. The left channel contains List 1C, words 1-50 whereas the right channel contains List 2C, words 1-50. The track time is 287s. 3) SPRINT Lists 3-4. The SPeech Recognition In Noise Test (SPRINT) is the Northwestern University Auditory Test No 6 materials spoken by the Auditec male speaker mixed in a background of multi-talker babble. The left channel contains List 3C, words 1-50 whereas the right channel contains List 4C, words 1-50. The track time is 285s.